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Publisher:李思曼  Time2016-03-29 View:10833

The School of Transportation Science and Engineering in Harbin  Institute of Technology can be traced back to the Railway Construction Program  of the Sino-Russian Industrial School, which was the precursor of Harbin  Institute of Technology. In 1958 the Highway and Urban Road major was  established. In 1995, School of Transportation Science and Engineering was  founded. The school has gained a large improvement in past years. Now the school  is an important base for young talents in transportation field, and the school  keeps working on international communications and cooperation with famous  universities and institutes in the whole world to obtain greater improvements in  the next decade.

There are five departments and one engineering center in the school:  Dept. of Road and Railway Engineering, Dept. of Bridge and Tunnel  Engineering,Dept. of Transportation Engineering, Dept. of Road Materials  Engineering, Dept. of Traffic Information and Control Engineering, and the  Measurement Center. The school has a national laboratory on urban road and  traffic field, which is the Key Laboratory of Urban Road and Traffic Engineering  under the Ministry of Construction, and a provincial laboratory on ITS, which is  the Key Laboratory of ITS Management and Technology in Heilongjiang Province.  The Road & Railway Engineering has been assigned as the Key Academic  Discipline in both Heilongjiang Province and the Ministry of Construction.  Meanwhile, the Transportation Planning and Management Engineering and the Bridge  and Tunnel Engineering are listed as the Key Academic Disciplines of the  Ministry of Construction.

Since the school has been founded, many advanced research directions  were developed, including the Roadbed and Pavement Engineering, Construction  Material, Pavement Management System, Theory of Transportation Planning, Traffic  Safety, Theory of Pavement Design, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS),  Bridge Assessment and Strengthening, Theory of External Pre-stress Designing and  Durability of Bridge Structures.

Currently, we have 16 full professors and 35 associate professors. At  present, the School includes about 600 undergraduate students, over 200 master  students, over80 PhD students, and 12 overseas students.