From May 26th to June 8th, Dr. Yanfeng Ouyang , the associated professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC), the adjunct doctoral supervisor of Harbin Institute of Technology, the endowed professor of Paul F. Kent, was invited to the School of Transportation Science and Engineering (STSE) for short term visiting and lecturing. The course of the theory and methodology of traffic management determination was taught by Prof. Ouyang to the PhD candidates of STSE. The course focuses on the basic mathematical methods in the area of traffic management determination, including the optimization and solution of models, network equilibrium, bottleneck theory, utility theory, decision theory, etc. Prof. Ouyang integrated humor with dull theories during lecturing which fully motivated the student. Except for the enrolling students, other stuff and students who were interested in this subject also participated in the lectures, which created ideal teaching environment and enhanced the academic atmosphere of the course. The lecturing by Prof. Ouyang effectively promoted the disciplinary construction of Transportation Engineering, and set a model for future internationalization of education of STSE.
Prof. Ouyang gave a series of special lectures during the visiting to all the stuff and students in STSE, which are titled Location planning for transit-based evacuation under the risk of service disruptions, Competitive Bioenergy Facility Location Design under Probabilistic Disruptions, and Optimal Biofuel Supply Chain Design under Consumption Mandates with Renewable Identification Numbers, separately. The lectures concerned about the precaution and evacuation of emergency, location optimization, logistic of renewable fuels, market games and evaluation of economic policy, etc, which brought the state-of-art developmental information of traffic engineering. During the deep explanation of his latest research findings, Prof. Ouyang also demonstrated the involved basic theories and research thinking mode, and presented independent thinking and innovative spirit of the theory-practice integration. After the lectures, Prof. Ouyang patiently answered the students about the questions encountered in their researches, and won consistent high praise from the students.
Prof. Ouyang is teaching about the relevant theories of traffic safety
Prof. Ouyang is teaching about the relevant theories of network optimization
Prof. Ouyang is giving the lecture named
Competitive Bioenergy Facility Location Design under Probabilistic Disruptions
Prof. Ouyang is giving the lecture named
Location planning for transit-based evacuation under the risk of service disruptions
Prof. Ouyang is giving the lecture named Optimal Biofuel Supply Chain Design
under Consumption Mandates with Renewable Identification Numbers

Prof. Ouyang is teaching the solving algorithm of optimization mode

Students are listening carefully from Prof. Ouyang

Prof. Ouyang is answering the questions of the students